2011年3月15日 星期二


美 國「世界行動傳輸協會」(APWTA)的「智慧型社區評選」(The Intelligent Community Forum,簡稱 ICF),南港軟體園區,獲選為「2005年3大智慧型建築之一」(Intelligent Building of the Year)

相關連結:Intelligent Community Awards 2006

Intelligent Community of the Year
Taipei, Taiwan

In 2006, the Intelligent Community Forum honored a community known worldwide as a technology hub. A city of 2.6 million, Taipei first came to the attention of ICF in 2003, when it was named to the Forum's Top Seven Intelligent Communities list. Taipei's Mayor Ying-Jeou Ma is considered one of the champions of the Intelligent Community concept. A graduate of Harvard Law School in the United States, Mayor Ma was first elected in 1998 and sought to transform Taipei, then in the early days of the Digital Age, into a CyberCity of the 21st Century.

Taipei scored well in each of the six categories of the awards program, which included ICF's five Intelligent Community Indicators as well as an annual theme: sustainability. Among the achievements cited by ICF were Taipei's 88 technology incubators, which continue to produce new businesses, products and technologies for the global market, as well as stimulate small business and entrepreneurial growth. Over 2,000 new businesses have been launched. In addition, the community has 45 R&D centers, including the Nangang Software Park, where over 2,000 firms generate US$47 billion in sales. Taipei attracts investment and new business through a strategy that combines low-cost communications, highly-skilled knowledge workers who produce digital products efficiently, and growing capability for ubiquitous broadband. Today, the community is the center of the world's computer manufacturing industry and the manufacturing site for 90% of the globe's wireless access points.

The government's M-Taipei initiative has been successful in stimulating applications for mobile phones, laptops and other devices., and has reinforced a 'culture of use' among citizens. ICF further cited the way Taipei has reached across the digital divide and into the area of humanitarian relief. It is providing free Internet training and service to 2,000 students affected by the Tsunami disaster. And as prosperity has taken root, with the support of broadband policies, what ICF calls "Digital Democracy" has continued to emerge. The "Mayor's Mailbox," provides citizens with a direct voice to their government. Nearly 5,000 cases are handled on-line each month at www.taipei.gov.tw/op/

The most significant industry continues to be Information, Computer and Telecommunications Technology, according to the report compiled by ICF's team of researchers during the evaluation process. Nearly 400,000 jobs have been created in the past 24 months in telecommunications and science and technology services.

The Deputy Mayor of Taipei City Government, Pu-Tsung King, accepted the award on behalf of the community.

第九屆中華建築 工業園區規劃首獎、金石獎

第十一界中華建築 優良施工品質獎、金石獎

90年度內政部建築研究所 建築工程自動化施工技術與機具自動化獎



(南港軟體工業園區 三期)

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